By Jillian Levy
Updated June 7, 2024

How long does mastic gum last?

If you're wondering how long you can chew mastic gum or when you should throw out a tin, this article will answer your questions. Read on to find out the ideal length of time to chew mastic gum for maximum benefits, plus the best way to store it to lengthen its shelf life.

Mastic gum can last for years. Photo by Greco Gum.

Mastic gum is a completely natural product with no artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, or preservatives. However, even though mastic chewing gum is preservative-free, it stays fresh for a long time and doesn't "go bad" easily.

Just like honey, there is nothing in mastic gum that necessarily spoils. If you keep mastic gum in a sealed tin in a cool place, it can last for months or even years. For the best flavor and texture, however, we recommend that you use mastic gum before the date listed on the tin.

How long can you chew mastic gum?

Mastic gum, also known as Chios mastiha, is a plant resin that's harvested only on the Mediterranean island of Chios in Greece.

This traditional Greek gum comes exclusively from the Pistacia lentiscus species (the mastic tree). Unlike commercial gums, which come in minty or fruity flavors, mastic gum is naturally flavored and free of additives.

Something that makes mastic gum unique is how long you can chew it; it's possible to chew on mastic gum for hours if you want to.

You can also reuse mastic gum up to three times.

Typically, chewing mastic gum for about 10 to 15 minutes is recommended to release its bioactive compounds and experience its benefits fully.

For example, mastic gum contains antioxidants and antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help fight ulcers, helicobacter pylori infections, heartburn, high cholesterol, and potentially even issues like Crohn’s disease—all with little to no side effects.123

Some people choose to chew mastic gum for longer periods, up to 30 minutes or even an hour or more, to extract more of its therapeutic properties. Chios mastic gum can even be chewed for an extended period of time until it degrades, which takes one hour or more.

So, in summary, for the most beneficial benefits of mastic gum, try chewing it for at least 15 minutes, save it for later if you want, or chew it thoroughly until it dissolves. It's up to you!

How long will mastic gum stay fresh?

Marcel Schaar picking out mastic gum from tin
For the best experience, chew mastic gum within a year of opening.

Mastic gum has a recommended shelf life of between two to three years, depending on how it's been handled and stored.

Once it's harvested, you'll start to see some changes in its appearance after about one year. This is due to oxidation, which describes exposure to air and light. Oxidation is a chemical reaction where oxygen molecules interact with the compounds present in mastic gum, leading to changes in its color, texture, and flavor.

When mastic gum undergoes oxidation, it might become easier to chew, decreasing some of its jawline-defining effects (learn more about those here). It can also look and smell different, its color might darken or become yellow-gold, and its aroma and fresh, pine-like taste can become less pronounced.

While oxidation doesn't necessarily make mastic gum harmful, it can affect its overall sensory appeal and potentially reduce its potency and health benefits.

How do you know if mastic gum is oxidized? Look for dark golden colored gum that smells and tastes unusual, feels chewier, and is less firm in your mouth (not like it normally does).

Keep in mind that the older (farther out from harvest) the gum is, the more likely it is that it will become dry and discolored. Oxidized mastic gum might have fewer oral health benefits, reduced anti-inflammatory properties, and decreased ability to help manage symptoms like stomach pain and h. pylori ulcers.134

Overall, oxidation of mastic gum isn't usually dangerous, it's just something to be aware of if you plan to store mastic gum for longer than a year or two.

Tips for storing mastic gum

When stored properly in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture, mastic gum can retain its quality for a long time—up to several years.

Sealed, unopened packaging helps prolong its shelf life by minimizing exposure to air, moisture, and light.

Again, for the best experience, try to chew mastic gum within a year of opening the tin.

While it lasts a long time, you still want to check the expiration date on the packaging and consider discarding any gum that has passed its recommended shelf life to ensure freshness and potency.

In conclusion, mastic gum offers a plethora of health benefits, but its longevity and efficacy depend on proper storage and usage. By chewing it for the recommended duration, being mindful of oxidation, and storing it correctly, you can make the most of this ancient remedy for improved well-being.

If you have any concerns about introducing mastic gum into your routine, such as if you’re ill, pregnant, or breastfeeding when in doubt, seek out medical advice from a healthcare provider to ensure it’s safe.

And, if you're wondering what mastic gum tastes like, check out this article. And if you want to know the difference between mastic gum nuggets versus droplets, find out here.

This article originally appeared online in 2024; it was most recently updated on June 7, 2024, to include current information.


Jillian Levy

Jillian Levy is a seasoned health writer and certified health coach with a decade of experience crafting informative content for leading health, wellness, and personal development brands.



  1. Paraschos S, Mitakou S, Skaltsounis AL. Chios gum mastic: A review of its biological activities. Curr Med Chem. 2012;19(14):2292-302. doi: 10.2174/092986712800229014. PMID: 22414110. 2

  2. Kartalis A, Didagelos M, Georgiadis I, Benetos G, Smyrnioudis N, Marmaras H, Voutas P, Zotika C, Garoufalis S, Andrikopoulos G. Effects of Chios mastic gum on cholesterol and glucose levels of healthy volunteers: A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, pilot study (CHIOS-MASTIHA). Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2016 May;23(7):722-9. doi: 10.1177/2047487315603186. Epub 2015 Aug 26. PMID: 26311707.

  3. Dabos KJ, Sfika E, Vlatta LJ, Giannikopoulos G. The effect of mastic gum on Helicobacter pylori: a randomized pilot study. Phytomedicine. 2010 Mar;17(3-4):296-9. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2009.09.010. Epub 2009 Oct 29. PMID: 19879118. 2

  4. Alwadi MAM, Sidhu A, Khaled MB, Aboul-Enein BH. Mastic (Pistacia lentiscus) gum and oral health: a state-of-the-art review of the literature. J Nat Med. 2023 Jun;77(3):430-445. doi: 10.1007/s11418-023-01704-y. PMID: 37147480.